Nut-free pesto (pumpkin seed pesto)

Nut-free pesto (pumpkin seed pesto)

Full disclosure: I have no idea what pesto made with nuts is supposed to taste like or if this pumpkin seed nut-free pesto resembles it in any way, but in my opinion, pesto without nuts tastes pretty good. Pesto is normally made with pine nuts, cheese, basil and...
Why am I binge eating at night?

Why am I binge eating at night?

Nighttime is one of the most common times of the day for people to experience binge eating. But why is that? Let’s take a look at what leaves people vulnerable to binge eating before bed and what you can do to stop binge eating at night.    Binge eating at night...
What is considered a binge?

What is considered a binge?

What is considered a binge? There are ways we can get a bit of clarity on this but at the same time it can be tricky to provide a concrete definition because we can be very quick to label any type of eating that we perceive to be excessive as a “binge”. Even terms...